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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Summer oh Summer!!!!! - 1

Almost the entire human fraternity hates summer. The gleaming hot sun above your head, the sweat that trickles every inch of your body, the lack of breeze everywhere...ah....you wish to stay home forever.

Unless.....you are a student or a film buff.

The summer is the period when big blockbusters release all over the world to cash in on the vacation crowd. The students are on vacation and what better idea than to milk their money on some movie. So Hollywood or Bollywood or kollywood, they love to release big budgeted block busters in summer and laugh all the way to bank. Hollywood in particular have their own plethora of Box office releases.

The previous summer was a dud with all 3s like Spiderman3, Pirates3, Shrek3 and Oceans 13 all turning out to be one worse than the other. If not for Bourne Ultimatum, the whole summer was a bloody waste of money. Let us have a look at some of the most anticipated releases this summer.

The Dark Knight

Move over all Super heroes. The Dark Knight is back.

This one is my personal favorite as I have always loved Batman even in the Cartoon versions. And after watching Nolan's serious take in Batman Begins, it makes you feel all the more better. God bless Clooney that he threw away the nipple Batman outfit to dogs. Christopher Nolan is one of the best Directors of the younger lot and definitely the man means no-nonsense. Be it Memento or Insomnia or Batman Begins or Prestige, the young man has showed a panache for serious cinema in commercial format.

The trailer looks all the more promising as it features the hysterical and famous Joker's sinister laughter. The last time Jack Nicholson played Joker, he immortalized it. But this time, it remains in the news for a reason altogether. Inspite of heavy weights as Robin Williams, Adrian Brody, Paul Bettany and Steve Carell expressing their desire to play the ultimate super villain on screen, Heath Ledger pipped them all to play the Joker. Although fans raised their own doubts on the actor's caliber, they seem to have been out to rest once the trailers arrived.

Ledger certainly seemed all business and I wonder if he might over shadow the talented Christian Bale who plays Batman. Unfortunately Ledger would not live to see his moment of glory on the big screen. May his soul rest in peace!!!

Release Date: July 18


The first time I saw the trailer of Wall-e, I certainly had no clue as to what this was about. But then the same logic applies to Ratatouille. The way the guys at Pixar wonderfully translate an idea on screen, makes you wonder if they all are men with two brains. It’s not just the amazing colors shown in animation, but also the emotions they show and evoke. You are made to feel sorry or triumphant for the characters in the films and by the time you remind yourself that you did this all for an animated character, you are out of the theatre. Heck, even live action films fail to do that.

Wall-e is about a Robot who is abandoned on earth by the humans who leave this planet to occupy another one. For almost 700 years Wall-e survives lonely yearning for a soul mate (Its ok. Atleast they emote better than Arnold, Vijay or Sam Anderson). A robot called Eve appears from other planet and Wall-e falls head over heels....ooops....top over tracks for her. What happens next forms the crux of the story.

Definitely being a pixar release, the film is bound to have a bumper opening considering the swarm of family audiences’ queuing up. Expect another Pixar super block buster.

Release Date: June 27